NY Times: Empresas de Escuelas de Derecho está “loco”

enero 26 (Bloomberg Derecho) – David Segal, un reportero del New York Times, las conversaciones con Lee Bloomberg Law Pacchia acerca de su serie de artículos sobre la enseñanza del Derecho. David examina el papel desempeñado por las noticias de EE.UU. y World Report ranking del colegio de abogados, la Asociación Americana de Abogados y las propias escuelas en un sistema que parece resistente al cambio, a pesar de las recientes dificultades que muchos graduados de la ley han tenido para encontrar su primer empleo.Valoración Vídeo: 5/5

Google Tech Talk 26 de abril 2012 Presentado por Daniel B. sistema de patentes Ravicher RESUMEN de los Estados Unidos se remonta a la fundación de nuestra nación cuando fue incluida expresamente en la Constitución. Sin duda, un sistema de patentes puede proporcionar muchos y grandes beneficios a la sociedad. Sin embargo, las patentes también representan una gran amenaza para la sociedad debido a que la concesión de una patente que es ilegal para los estadounidenses a hacer lo que es reclamado por la patente. Por lo tanto, es de vital importancia para el éxito de nuestro sistema de patentes que mantener la calidad de las patentes de alta y asegura que sólo las patentes de méritos se publicará en breve. Por desgracia, el sistema de patentes estadounidense de hoy está sufriendo de calidad de las patentes extremadamente bajo. Todos los martes de las cuestiones Oficina de Patentes de 4000 patentes después de pasar en promedio menos de un par de días en la revisión de los méritos de cada solicitud de patente. Cuando se le preguntó a reconsiderar los méritos de las patentes que previamente emitidos, la Oficina de Patentes reconoce que la gran mayoría de ellos tienen una validez cuestionable. Cuando las patentes de acabar en los tribunales como consecuencia de los titulares de patentes que demandan a los presuntos infractores, un gran porcentaje del tiempo de las patentes se encuentran afirmado que ha sido mal concedido. El resultado es un sistema de patentes contaminado lleno de basura patentes que impiden el desarrollo tecnológico. En esta tecnología de Google Talk, el Prof. Daniel B. Ravicher de la Public Patent Foundation y Benjamin N. Cardozo School de la ley le explicará por qué calidad de las patentes es tan baja en la América de hoy, describir en detalle las formas en que de patentes de baja. .. Valoración Vídeo: 4/5

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25 Responses to NY Times: Empresas de Escuelas de Derecho está “loco”

  • JJFZ3000 says:

    I don’t think US News should be blamed for the distortions because they simply reflect the wants of their readers — prospective law school students. If I create a ranking list without using GPAs and LSAT scores then it wouldn’t be credible. No one would care about it.

  • JogBird says:

    Segal seems like a really smart guy, but, his interview skills is not the best

  • xpat73 says:

    David Segal is doing a good job. Law schools have no skin in the game. The do not care about their graduates, they lie all the time about incomes and employment of their grads. They get paid up front…rain or shine. Imagine selling a product where you could lie about what it does and the purchaser has no recourse.They are despicable and I will never give a dime to my law school. Segal should also write about the loan programs whihc have allowed this tuition bubble.

  • cryofan says:


  • phillipfayers says:

    Interesting that Mr Ravicher calls on smart people at Google to build a public “patent mapping” system when only 9 days before Google were granted a paten (8161025) on subject matter that “provides systems, methods, software, and data structures for patent mapping, storage, and searching”. The patent was filed on July 27, 2006.

  • nicholasaurus says:

    Patents were invented in a time when invention and innovation may have not been as apparent or competing states wanted to lure inventors. Today there is a global respect for new technology and corporations with global footprints compete to invent not individuals who live in single states. The patent system has lost nearly 100% of it’s benefits and instead costs us billions of dollars in legal trouble and potential productivity. Some people benefit short term, but we all lose in the long term.

  • nicholasaurus says:

    For my own benefit and all the things I hope to contribute to the world let me say this. As the number of people who are prevented from building things go up, the number of people who can build those things stays the same.

    Population goes up. The people permitted to build remains constant.

    This means over time we lose more and more productivity.

    The pretext that we need incentive to create and invent is dated and false.

    May I present to you the following formula in my followup comment.

  • physivic says:

    I have had this illustrated for me in a way others will not, unfortunately

    Perhaps there’s a way to get this out to everybody … the whole problem is that fighting those with the money to “own” techniques is a Sisyphean task.

    my gf spotted a lamborghini with an IP-LAW-something personalized license plate. My programmer friends all have Hondas. At first I thought “how could she tell it was a lambo” but then it sank in that this technocracy we live in simply has some things upside down.

  • omniambience says:

    Superb talk. Also cool font :-)

  • chychochycho says:

    This was an amazing talk. thanks.

  • Toshinben says:

    26:11 I tell my students ‘If you do not get at least some invalid patent for your client, you have commited malpractice.’ A) Is it accurate to assign the label ‘scumbag’ to this guy? B) When is the human race going to failcascade? Come on already.

  • capaneo says:

    There is only one way to fix this system. —> WOLF-PAC.com

  • generationalist says:

    Again what top people? Which corporations? How do they fight these problems instead of perpetuating them? You make it sound as if the super, secret society of TOP people can’t be revealed else doom would come to the TOP. I’ll have you know that the liberty of this country was founded upon seriously earnest, long winded discussions under elm trees that Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. & Obama cut down. Do YOU even know what a Liberty Tree was? Go read Thomas Paine. Your education is lacking.

  • phillipfayers says:

    Interesting that Mr Ravicher calls on smart people at Google to build a public “patent mapping” system when only 9 days before Google were granted a paten (8161025) on subject matter that “provides systems, methods, software, and data structures for patent mapping, storage, and searching”. The patent was filed on July 27, 2006.

  • nicholasaurus says:

    Patents were invented in a time when invention and innovation may have not been as apparent or competing states wanted to lure inventors. Today there is a global respect for new technology and corporations with global footprints compete to invent not individuals who live in single states. The patent system has lost nearly 100% of it’s benefits and instead costs us billions of dollars in legal trouble and potential productivity. Some people benefit short term, but we all lose in the long term.

  • nicholasaurus says:

    For my own benefit and all the things I hope to contribute to the world let me say this. As the number of people who are prevented from building things go up, the number of people who can build those things stays the same.

    Population goes up. The people permitted to build remains constant.

    This means over time we lose more and more productivity.

    The pretext that we need incentive to create and invent is dated and false.

    May I present to you the following formula in my followup comment.

  • physivic says:

    I have had this illustrated for me in a way others will not, unfortunately

    Perhaps there’s a way to get this out to everybody … the whole problem is that fighting those with the money to “own” techniques is a Sisyphean task.

    my gf spotted a lamborghini with an IP-LAW-something personalized license plate. My programmer friends all have Hondas. At first I thought “how could she tell it was a lambo” but then it sank in that this technocracy we live in simply has some things upside down.

  • omniambience says:

    Superb talk. Also cool font :-)

  • chychochycho says:

    This was an amazing talk. thanks.

  • Toshinben says:

    26:11 I tell my students ‘If you do not get at least some invalid patent for your client, you have commited malpractice.’ A) Is it accurate to assign the label ‘scumbag’ to this guy? B) When is the human race going to failcascade? Come on already.

  • capaneo says:

    There is only one way to fix this system. —> WOLF-PAC.com

  • generationalist says:

    Again what top people? Which corporations? How do they fight these problems instead of perpetuating them? You make it sound as if the super, secret society of TOP people can’t be revealed else doom would come to the TOP. I’ll have you know that the liberty of this country was founded upon seriously earnest, long winded discussions under elm trees that Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. & Obama cut down. Do YOU even know what a Liberty Tree was? Go read Thomas Paine. Your education is lacking.

  • generationalist says:

    Before you mislabel me socialist; I warn you, I’m a staunch Thomas Paine libertarian. Nothing is sacred from open scrutiny. I welcome your attempts to argue falsely that I overgeneralized. Your task is far greater than mine. I argue over-sized mega corps use lobbying, bribery & legal wrangling to justify their over inflated stock prices. This video provides evidence to support my argument. You have yet to show a single great leader with as much concern for their employees as their shareholders.

  • generationalist says:

    Again you fail to name the great organization(s). I – never – ask for proof that something does NOT exist. That is NOT possible. You claimed that great leaders exist. I said; based on cited evidence, that heads of major corporations have been found guilty of patent trolling & bureaucratic scheming. You come across as a follower of the Ayn Rand fascism faith. Ayn Rand was NOT a capitalist she was a fascist. Always defending the heads of corporations, while pretending that it was all individuals.

  • jbezohm says:

    So basically if your hope was proof that something isn’t happening… well I won’t take the time to try. It’s not a very effective system when the defendant has to prove innocence, that’s why our justice system works the way it does. But I’ll be fair and concede that it probably does happen to some degree in most organizations. And this guy provided great evidence to support that claim. But no one in this conversation has yet to provide proof that every organization takes part in these practices

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